Here's your business tip of the week

Pickups Should Be Free!

If you aren't checking your FedEx bill, you might not realize that FedEx charges you $3 for every package they pick up from you, up to $20 per week. That's a surcharge of up to 30% or more!

Even if FedEx is dropping off a package to you, they still charge you this pickup fee if the driver takes your package.

You read that right: even if the FedEx is already at your place delivering a package they got paid to ship to you, if you give the driver any packages, you will be charged $3 for each package they take on the truck.

It's practices like this fee that led us to say, "enough is enough!" We developed the 50 Ship method to make shipping costs reasonable for other entrepreneurs.

When you use our SaverBoxes you can schedule a free pickup - totally free, no hidden charges. Schedule your pickup by calling 800-ASK-USPS or visiting the USPS website.

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Don't miss these ealier business tips

Can't Fit? Split.

Sometimes you've just got more contents than will fit in even a legal-size 50 Ship SaverBox. Should you ship it FedEx? Hold on!

Check the shipping prices for your other available methods. If it's more than $10, just split your order into two boxes. Two flat rate envelopes will cost $10.10. Two legal flat rates - that's a lot of material - costs just $10.50.

We often split our shipments in two. We have printed a handy insert on a quarter-size sheet of paper just for that purpose. It tells the customer their order is shipping in two parts, and we drop one in each box.

We print our notice four to a page and cut it in four with a paper cutter. Happy saving!

Want a copy of our Word document that we use to make our quarter-sheet flier saying the order is shipping in two parts? Click Download below, we're happy to share.

Download Word Doc